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ELANTAS has more than 100 years of experience and is already one of the leading suppliers of insulation technology in the young e-mobility market. The company’s high-performance solutions for engines and high-performance electronics in electric cars offer the necessary added value.
The ALTANA Group aims to grow profitably in the long term. We therefore not only gear our entrepreneurial decisions to economic and social necessities, but also consider ecological aspects. This triad of economy, ecology, and corporate social responsibility reflects our understanding of sustainability.
Our expertise in chemistry, formulation, and application enables us to develop innovative and environmentally compatible solutions that conserve resources and protect the climate. In addition, we help our customers manufacture with low emissions and energy efficiently and heighten the security of their products. With its innovative and ecologically sound products, the ALTANA Group is one of the most important suppliers on the markets of today and tomorrow. An example is ELANTAS. With its insulation technology solutions, this ALTANA Group division is among the world’s leading suppliers for the growing e-mobility market.
Creating added value through innovative 360-degree solutions – with this core competence ELANTAS has become one of the world’s leading insulating materials specialists for the electrical and electronics industry. Its innovative insulating materials have long been standard in sustainable energy sources such as wind energy, which began its triumphant advance in the early 1990s. “Now with e-mobility we are experiencing the next revolution,” says Dr. Christian Przybyla, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of ELANTAS. “It’s incredibly fascinating to be part of the transition, which has only just begun and which will have lasting significance.”
High Solution Competence
ELANTAS can contribute to electromobility with four applications. In addition to temperature- and partially discharge-resistant materials for insulating copper cables for engine construction, and impregnating resins for stabilizing the entire engine, its coating and casting materials can be used to protect electronic components of electric cars and charging stations. “The fact that e-mobility is making headway in everyday life enables us to enter a large future market with our products. So we can continue to pick up speed – and especially with sustainable solutions,” says Dr. Christian Przybyla. There are currently around 1.5 million electrified vehicles worldwide, and by 2025 there are expected to be about 25 million hybrid and electric cars.
Development work on high-performance electric engines is in full steam – and the specialist for insulating materials in the ALTANA Group is cooperating closely with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). “We are in demand as a solution provider,” says the Chief Technology Officer proudly.

E-mobility is the next revolution – and ELANTAS is at the very forefront. The e-mobility team in Hamburg at a meeting and platinum coating testing in the lab.
In Close Proximity to Our Customers Worldwide
In addition, ELANTAS’ solutions meet the high sustainability standards of e-mobility: The use of unobjectionable materials, the reduction of solvents, and the development of water-based technologies are the top priorities. “This is possible thanks to our well-positioned research and development,” says Dr. Christian Przybyla. ELANTAS has operational research and development departments at twelve worldwide sites for solution-oriented, customer-oriented tasks, as well as four departments for long-term, strategic research. A total of some 150 employees are working in the field of innovation. Thanks to cooperation between the global teams and the resulting optimal use of knowhow and technology, customers are offered further, important added value.
Its success speaks for itself. ELANTAS’ insulation solutions are already an integral part of electric engines of the world’s leading manufacturers. By 2025, a market volume of 100,000 tons of different insulating materials is expected for engines, power electronics, batteries, and infrastructure in the field of electromobility. Outstanding performance features – alongside the high sustainability standards – include the longevity under strong thermal and electric loads as well as the efficient reduction of the weight of the drive train. Says Dr. Christian Przybyla: “We know the expectations of our customers and are focusing our development activities accordingly.”