ALTANA Focuses on Environmentally Compatible Management
The ALTANA Group’s commitment to sustainability goes far beyond reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, environmentally compatible management as a whole is of central importance. For example, the company has set ambitious targets for waste reduction and responsible use of drinking water.
Environmentally compatible management is a key component of ALTANA's corporate strategy. Our goal is to continuously reduce our energy consumption. We also implement this aim in other environmentally relevant areas, such as waste and drinking water consumption.
The ALTANA Group measures progress in the area of environmental protection with the help of specific key figures. In addition to absolute values, the figures are set in relation to the quantity of finished goods produced. ALTANA sets annual upper limits for energy consumption, water consumption, and waste volumes in relation to the volume of finished goods produced.
Detailed information on ALTANA’s resource and energy consumption as well as the environmental indicators can be found in the Corporate Report 2024.
Consistent climate strategy
ALTANA has committed to operating virtually greenhouse gas-free worldwide by 2050 and achieving “net zero emissions”. Specifically, emissions are to be reduced by 90 percent across the entire value chain (Scope 1, 2 and 3) by then.
Significant progress has already been made: From 2014 to 2023, ALTANA reduced greenhouse gas emissions in Scopes 1 and 2 by approximately 70 percent—without relying on offsetting.
Responsible usage of the resource water
Water plays an important role in many of the ALTANA Group’s production processes, and the specialty chemicals group is making various efforts to use this resource sparingly. Water is used in the chemical industry as a raw material, as a cleaning agent, and as a coolant. ALTANA aims to keep its water consumption as low as possible and to use the resource as a cooling medium in closed loop systems.
Optimization of waste management
ALTANA aims to avoid or reduce wastewater and waste and thus minimize the negative effects on people and the environment, among other things by using suitable raw materials and cleaning agents.
In recent years, ALTANA’s divisions have been able to reduce waste volumes at numerous sites by means of recycling. In addition, significant amounts of solvents have been saved at several sites through the use of more efficient cleaning agents and the revision of cleaning regulations.
Detailed information on waste management in the ALTANA Group can be found in the Corporate Report 2024.
Corporate Communications
press@ altana. com
Tel +49 281 670-10900
Environment, Health & Safety
Dr. Michael Berkei
Head of Environment, Health and Safety
Michael.Berkei@ altana. com