We create development opportunities for every generation

Whether you are an emerging talent or an experienced manager, at ALTANA we are united by our shared commitment to learning.

Dr. Jessica Gödeker, Lab manager Home Care, Industrial and Institutional, BYK  | Klaus Sulek, Plant manager Wackersdorf, ECKART

“The passion to keep developing and to question processes along the way – this is what I’m determined to pass on to future generations,” says Klaus Sulek. The plant manager has been with ECKART in Wackersdorf for over 25 years, during which time he has accumulated a wealth of valuable experience. Yet he refuses to rest on his laurels. He decided to participate in the ALTANA Wise Peers program, a six-month development journey where experienced colleagues exchange insights on effectively passing on their knowledge to others.

Managing generational change
The initiative focuses on adopting new methods and devising strategies to enhance knowledge exchange between generations. “The Wise Peers program is a vital tool for successfully navigating generational change within the company,” asserts Klaus Sulek. He has already experimented with some of the techniques and, with a smile, admits, “I’m still getting used to the new methods, but I’m learning.”

One initiative that Sulek has collaborated on with other Wise Peers is already gaining traction. “We want to make training more appealing. To achieve this, we are creating cross-generational proposals to improve the attractiveness of job profiles and promote a better work-life balance,” explains the plant manager.

As a Wise Peer, Klaus Sulek is helping to shape generational change in the company.

Taking responsibility
Cross-generational exchange is intended to set an example for the future. With the initiative “Rent a Wise Peer Expert,” a freely accessible program to bring emerging talent and experienced colleagues closer together has been launched at ALTANA. Developed and implemented by the Wise Peers, the program aims to improve the exchange of experience and expertise within the company by offering guidance and inspiration. Dr. Jessica Gödeker and Anne Drewer are already putting this into practice within ALTANA’s BYK division. “The close exchange helped me quickly find my footing in the company, allowing me to internalize the cor­porate culture and grow in my role as a manager,” says Dr. Gödeker.

For Anne Drewer, fostering young talent is a personal passion. As a Wise Peer, she is especially committed to supporting women in pursuing exciting careers and leadership positions. Dr. Gödeker, who heads technical service for the Home Care unit at BYK, highlights the importance of intergenerational mentoring and female role models as key drivers of personal growth: “At critical moments, I received clear guidance; at others, I was encouraged to make decisions myself and move forward. This approach allowed us to grow both individually and as a team.” She views this as a strength of the corporate culture.

Learning from each other: Fostering young talent is a personal passion for Anne Drewer.

Acquiring knowledge and developing over generations. Through their dedication and desire for continuous learning, Dr. Jessica Gödeker and Klaus Sulek are instrumental in driving forward ALTANA’s Keep Changing Agenda for the future. And they already agree on the next step: to develop the company together with and for the next generations.