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Shaping the Future Together
It is essential that we tackle the challenges of the future together. Only in this way can we develop solutions that change entire markets. That’s why we have further intensified the dialog with our stakeholders this year by means of structured interviews. The following pages give insight into some of the most important future issues and our shared values.

Trust is the basis for innovation and growth – and thus also for social progress.
Susanne Klatten and Martin Babilas

We can only achieve ambitious climate protection targets by dialog. Because dialog accelerates the research process – and enables innovations.
Dr. Roger Jakeman and Carina Kraft

What does it take to bring new products to market? Shared visions, cooperative partnerships, and speed!
Matt Dass and Harald Jasper

The recycled raw materials market is growing. Through collaboration along the entire supply chain, sustainable products can be created from them.
Massimo Grifone and Annika Mergner