Corporate Report 2023: Letter from the Management Board | About This Report | Sustainability Management | Corporate Bodies and Management | Report of the Supervisory Board | Now - for the Future | Group Management Report | Products | Safety and Health | Environment | People | Social Commitment | Consolidated Financial Statements (condensed version) | Multi-Year Overview | Global Compact: Communication on Progress (COP) | ALTANA worldwide | List of Shareholdings | Overview | Contact
Corporate Report 2023
The Corporate Report for 2023 encompasses the annual and sustainability reports. With it, the ALTANA Group informs the public, its employees and business partners, as well as public authorities, nongovernmental organizations, and all other interested parties about the Group’s development in economic, ecological, and social respects. In addition to the Group Management Report, which also contains information on corporate governance, and the Consolidated Financial Statements (condensed version), this report contains a description of ALTANA’s understanding of sustainable management and the progress the Group has made in implementing it in the past fiscal year. As a result, this report for 2023 updates the content that was published in the 2022 Corporate Report (published on March 17, 2023). At the same time, it serves as the annual Communication on Progress of the UN Global Compact.
The Reporting Period
All financial and human resources information in the Group Management Report and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2023, as well as the environmental key performance indicators and data on occupational health and safety, refer to the period from January 1 to December 31.
In August 2023, the BYK division acquired the business of the U.S. company Imaginant. At the end of September 2023, the ELANTAS division acquired a majority stake in the Swiss Von Roll Group. As the integration processes required to determine the sustainability-related information for the two acquisitions had not yet been completed by the end of 2023, this report does not include safety and environmental key performance indicators from the two acquisitions.
Reporting Principles
In terms of the Group Management Report and the Consolidated Financial Statements, the reporting adheres to the specifications of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as applicable in the EU, and the additional requirements of German commercial law pursuant to section 315e of the German Commercial Code (HGB). As in the previous years, this was audited and confirmed by an independent auditor. The complete Consolidated Financial Statements including the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements are available online at
ALTANA reports in accordance with the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The report is also based on the framework of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). The accident indicators WAI 1, WAI 2, and WAI 3, as well as selected energy indicators, including greenhouse gas emissions, are presented in the Group Management Report and were part of the audit carried out by an independent auditing company. These and other sustainability indicators can be found in detail online at
Details on the selection of relevant reporting content in accordance with the GRI standards and on the definition of the sustainability topics important for the ALTANA Group and its stakeholders can be found in the following section. A detailed list of all criteria in accordance with the GRI standards on which ALTANA provides information is available online at This report is available in German and English.